IEEE uOttawa Student Association
IEEE uOttawa organizes events and services for Software, Computer, and Electrical engineers. While I was part of IEEE, I helped organize the Battle Royale 8, a 24 hour LAN party for charity; as well as SPAC 2015, a networking event to bring students together with industry professionals.
STEM Education
GoCodeGirl and RailsGirls Ottawa are both initiatives to increase interesting in tech amongst high school and middle school girls. Some studies put the percentage of women to men in software and less than 8 percent! These programs take action by getting girls together in an environment where we teach them the fundamentals of computing, to get them excited about the field and show them that it’s not just for guys.
Faculty of Engineering Open House - Student Ambassador
Open House is a chance for high schoolers considering their options after graduating to come see uOttawa and meet students from the various programs. As a Student Ambassador, I got to help kids and their parents find out what the brochure can’t tell them, e.g. what campus life is like, what classes to make sure to study hard for, and the importance of applying for CO-OP.
CUSEC is a conference held yearly in Montreal, giving students in software engineering the chance to listen to talks from industry professionals from the likes of Shopify, IBM, Google, and many others!
Time For Another Round - Pebble Hackathon Ottawa
Together with two friends, we hacked together an interactive watchface that displayed a pet rock (Geddit? A pebble!).
Qlikathon was a node.JS hackathon put on by Qlik in Ottawa, where we tried out node.JS asynchronous calls to an API, which we used to command our 'Qritter' in a Pokemon-style battle! (Qlik would like us to say that Pokemon is a registered trademark of Nintendo, and that this game totally has nothing to do with it, no sir!)